Listen to Your Partner’s Needs Closely

‚Communication is key!‘ is what you hear most when trying to solve problems within a relationship. For many years I didn’t know what exactly that means. It seemed like a piece of abstract advice without much actual help. However, the past three years have shown me what it CAN mean. It might mean to listen to your partner’s needs closely!

Because last week’s post was canceled, this is part two of today’s make-up! Find my first post of today here.

more „Listen to Your Partner’s Needs Closely“

Why Last Week’s Post Was Canceled & What I Learned

Let me share why last week’s post had to be canceled. On Tuesday I was admitted to the hospital and had to undergo unplanned surgery. It all started with some abdomen pain and a visit to the doctor. After he had examined me thoroughly he sent me to the emergency room. This whole experience made me realize why taking time for creativity is so important for me!

Honestly, I didn’t believe the doctor at that point and thought the hospital would just send me back home. But after an ultrasound and some blood work they were certain they would have to remove my appendix. Never in my life did I have to be admitted to the hospital on such short notice! It annoyed the hell out of me!

more „Why Last Week’s Post Was Canceled & What I Learned“

People Who can’t Handle You – My Experiences

Today I want to get into the dark stuff. Experiences many of us had and got hurt by. I am talking about the confrontation with people who can’t handle your liberated lifestyle. Basically, dealing with people who can’t handle you.

I don’t hide my sexuality. If someone asks, they get an answer and it doesn’t matter to me who they are. Parading around and telling everyone without being asked is not my style, but I really don’t care if I might shock someone with the answer.

Once somebody said behind my back that me not only liking men is a disease, after realizing I date women outside my relationship.

more „People Who can’t Handle You – My Experiences“

Why Tinder is Bad

I am a person who craves validation like anybody else. So, of course, Tinder has been part of my life. But man, dating apps suck! I will tell you why Tinder is bad, from my experience:

When I started to use the app in 2013, it was all fun and games. Back then, I only swiped for guys with the oblivious intent to maybe find someone who is relationship material. Guess how that turned out. The app was new, people were actually still talking when they matched and a loooooot of dates took place. One or two flings came from it too, but it was just a fun way to meet new people.

Since then the app has evolved into an annoying pastime which rarely brings any value to my life.

more „Why Tinder is Bad“

The One That Got Away – Who I lost

For me, noticing that I like women started pretty early. Checking women out has been so common for me since I was a teen that I was startled when one returned the notion! I had never openly expressed my interest, as I haven’t really had admitted to myself that this goes beyond finding women beautiful. This is about the one that got away, who I wanted most.

We met at work and got along very well. While talking about anything really, it became clear that she has had her experiences with women, and she liked me. I didn’t know what to do with this information. It had me overwhelmed and I didn’t act on anything she was throwing at me. Throughout the weeks we hung out, we got to know each other better, and we got very comfortable around one another. It was one night we were watching TV at my place that she started to kiss me. I was so confused.

more „The One That Got Away – Who I lost“

Appearance of a Vulva, Vulva, Vulva!

When trying to write about certain topics, like the appearance of a Vulva, I struggle sometimes. But then I ask myself, why don’t we talk about things? I have caught myself multiple times, deleting texts about sensitive topics, like the appearance of a Vulva, because I thought they were too personal.

I didn’t question myself there, I didn’t ask if it is necessary to hold back for other people. But no! I refuse to do that! This blog is dedicated to liberating people from social stigmas! Why in the world would I hold back on here?! We need to talk about things, that make us uncomfortable and we need to ask why they make us uncomfortable. Wrong and right is a social construct, we are taught what normal should look like. We are taught to not share certain things in our respective cultures.

Let’s tear this down together.

more „Appearance of a Vulva, Vulva, Vulva!“

„What am I doing here?“ – Introduction of the Blog

Welcome to the Puritic Blog. I am here to liberate your life of social stigmas if you will allow me. This is the introduction of the blog.

My name is Liva, and I am the founder of the Puritic Blog. The Puritic Blog started very close to my own feelings. I was at a conference and got asked if I have ever written a wishlist for my life. „A wishlist for what?“. Well, a wishlist for your life, where you plot down all the goals you want to achieve in life. Obviously, I haven’t. But the question resonated with me, and later that day I did write my first wishlist for life. And on that wishlist, I put:

„Find a way to let people have insight into my experiences and put all the positive turns my life took out there.“ That is what I am doing here.

more „„What am I doing here?“ – Introduction of the Blog“

World of Skirt Club – Join liberated women!

If there is one thing, I have learned about finding your place in the world, it is that you need a community! For me, a community of liberated women is the world of Skirt Club. Whoever you are, whichever way you feel and whatever you want, if there are people sharing the same struggles and thoughts it all gets easier!

I have known for a very long time that I do enjoy the occasional fling with a woman even when I am in a relationship with a man. I needed women, who were in similar situations and who also wanted to connect on a level that goes beyond just hooking up. Thankfully, I was introduced to parties held exclusively for bisexual women. This was my breakthrough in finding my place sexually. Skirt Club was founded by Genevieve LeJeune to offer bisexual women the opportunity to meet and explore without having men around. Find Gen’s Social Media Profiles in my „Who to Follow“ List.

more „World of Skirt Club – Join liberated women!“