Who to Follow – Part II

BLM Edition

Here comes part two of my „Who to Follow“ lists. This time I want you to use social media to hear people who know more than you. Today I am highlighting social media profiles which educate about everything currently related to the „Black Lives Matter“ movement. Everyone supporting this movement in any way has made the largest human rights movement in history! Be proud of yourself and keep on going!

Grassroots Law Project

I am a huge sucker for organizations and law-focused approaches as I have mentioned in last week’s post. So let me start off with those. The first organization I want you to look at is the Grassroots Law Project. They have case pages up on their website which tells you about different personal cases like Breonna Taylor’s case to just name a very popular one. Each case site then will offer you an actual way to make a difference. You can for example sign a petition or things like that. They are bringing together grassroots organizers and legal expertise to actually make a difference! Check them out on their Website, Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.

Dignity and Power Now

Another grassroots organization that I want you to notice is „Dignity and Power Now“. They are LA based and have worked since 2012 tackling a holistic approach to help everyone in incarceration. They have plenty of programs including a leadership institute for people coming out of incarceration, a coalition to end jail construction, and arts and wellness coalition, and a rapid response team of healers (but there is way more). Overall they want to end state violence and mass incarceration. Find them on their Website, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

So You Want To Talk About…

This is an Instagram Page that dissects certain topics and boils them down into some key facts. It is usually very objective and a great way to stumble upon new information about topics that might have been not on your radar or you don’t know how to tackle in the beginning. Recent topics included white supremacy, microaggressions, trans rights, police and prison abolition, or implicit bias. Check out their posts and swipe through their slides!

Aurora James

Aurora is the owner of Brother Vellies and creates luxury accessories handcrafted after traditional African design. But not only is she keeping those traditional practices and techniques alive, but she is also advocating to support black-owned businesses. Impressively she has moved Sephora to commit to her 15 percent pledge movement! Her movement asks major retailers to commit 15 percent of their shelf spaces to black-owned products and businesses. Check it all out on her Instagram, Website, and her movement Website!


There are barely enough words to describe Femily. She is a leadership coach, she is a gender advisor, she helps anyone with their allyship and anti-racism education, she is a thought leader coach, she is everything. I can not fathom her diversity, so please check her out and find her facet which sits best with you! She is a force! Find her on her website or Instagram.

Obviously there are many more great profiles you can follow, and I am sure you will find more the more you check out the profiles I just offered you. If you want to see my first „Who to Follow“ list head over here.

Photo provided by  Jon Tyson on Unsplash